Sunday 24 January 2010

Skaven and Cadians on Ebay

I've just put some old mint condition "Marauder" Skaven Gutter runners up on Ebay, as well as some limited edition Cadian Guardsmen "at ease". All auctions should be listed in the top left column of this page (while the auction is in progress).

The picture above is one I so wanted to use in the auctions, but just know it would have caused me trouble. A pet hate of mine is when people supply a picture of an item they are selling, with something more impresive in the photo...with the rider "the whats-it shown in the picture is just for scale and not included in the sale". I was going to say "the Giant Forge-world rat is just shown for scale against the 28mm one, and is not included in the auction".

Like I say, I bottled out. But don't let that stop you bidding on them!

Sunday 10 January 2010

More rare Confrontation minis for sale

I've just put 3 rare blister packs of Rackham Confrontation miniatures up for auction on Ebay. There should be a link on the top left column of this blog (while the auction is still live). Even if you're not buying, please click the images above for a closer look at what were some of the best minis around. Its really sad they have stopped producing these to concentrate on pre-painted plastic "toy" miniatures.